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Introduction to TalentLMS (SAMP1)
Introduction to TalentLMS (SAMP1)
This course comprises several video tutorials that describe the basic TalentLMS functions. At the end there is a final test that will help you assess your knowledge.
Advanced features of TalentLMS (SAMP2)
Advanced features of TalentLMS (SAMP2)
This course comprises several video tutorials that describe some advanced TalentLMS functions.
Content and TalentLMS (SAMP3)
Content and TalentLMS (SAMP3)
What type of content can you use with TalentLMS? Let's find out on this quick course.
eLearning Basics (SAMP4)
eLearning Basics (SAMP4)
A few interesting presentations on basic elearning topics. This is a collection of things you must know in order to succeed in the tech supported learning world!
Future technologies (SAMP5)
Future technologies (SAMP5)
A number of short video explanations of interesting and important questions regarding technology and how it can impact the future of man kind. This is taken from the "Big Think" with Michio Kaku as host.
Firearms Safety, Suicide Awareness & You (SH2017)
Safer Homes, Suicide Aware
Firearms Safety, Suicide Awareness & You (SH2017)
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